Artwork Requirements
There are many ways we can apply your logo to Merchandise but keep in mind that at The Leagues we prefer files in a 'PC' format. We use eps files for logos. If you are in a PC environment, there are programs that can convert a logo to an eps format; such as Illustrator or Corel Draw. Our main 'PC' programs are CorelDRAW X4 and Corel Photo-Paint X4 but can also utilise Adobe Illustrator CS2 and Adobe Photoshop. Artwork will be accepted either on a PC CD or via an eps email format.
Preferred format is a compatible Illustrator .ai or .eps vector format. All artwork including fonts should be converted to outlines/vector curves . If the file contains spot colours these should be identified as Pantone PMS swatches from the swatch palette.
Where halftone images or rastor files are part of the artwork ensure that resolution matches the size of the desired output. Photoshop files should be CMYK and saved in a .eps format. It is important to include all imbedded photoshop images with Illustrator files.
DO NOT SUPPLY artwork in an Acrobat PDF file or PC file formats such as MS Word, PowerPoint or doc, bmp, & gif files. PDF files are recommended for viewing purposes only. As a last resort we can accept a Bromide (ideally large) with PMS colours supplied.
Photographic Images: For 4 colour process printing/CMYK
File formats preferred include: EPS, tiff; jpg (with high compression). We suggest that large images (e.g. pictures over 3.5 megabytes in size) be sent to us on CD or DVD (not via email). The original scanned image must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
DO NOT SUPPLY hard copy artwork as letterheads, business cards or printed brochures, as these do not have high enough resolution to reproduce for the branding of most promotional merchandise and usually have to be redrawn at additional cost.
Embroidered Artwork: Multicolour embroidery requires a good quality print of the intended artwork or computer file in any of the below formats to gain an accurate stitch count. No multicolour embroidery work will be quoted until this has been received.
Decoration Glossary:
PMS Colours
Pantone Matching System - universally recognized colour guide used for defining colours in printing solid Logo colours (spot colours). Ask your printer or art supplier to supply PMS colour matching books for easy reference.
Cyan Magenta Yellow & Black - 4 colour process printing systems used to print full colour or half tone photographic images.
4 Colour Process
Offset printing using colours made up of percentages of CMYK dots. Used in printing photographic images (sublimation) on material items such as mouse mats and printed material such as brochures and point of sale.
The computer equivalent of typefaces or characters.
EPS File
Encapsulated Postscript File - is the preferred format for logo printing applications at The Leagues.
Logos and fonts must be converted to outlines or vector curves prior to transmission, disk or CD. They can also be used to transfer photographic images. Illustrator, Corel Draw & Freehand is common programs that can create EPS files suitable for decoration applications we use.
Joint Photographers Expert Group - a compression format for making graphic files smaller. Photographic images can be supplied in this format (300dpi minimum resolution) but not logos.
Tiff File
Tagged Image File Format - photographic images can be supplied to The Leagues as tiff files, but not logos.
Rastor File
A halftone or photographic image imported into a computer via a scanner or digital camera converted into dots or pixels. 300dpi is the minimum resolution usable for offset printing applications.
Note: Website images commonly use 75dpi images, which are not a high enough resolution for offset printing applications.
Photoshop Files
A program to save halftone images or rastor files. Photoshop files should be CMYK and saved in either .eps or .tiff format. Ensure resolution matches the size of the desired output.
PDF Format
Portable Doc Format - ideal file format for sending and viewing images BUT NOT SUITABLE FOR ANY ARTWORK application.
Having problems getting the right format?
If you are unable to provide the artwork required by us please contact your advertising agency, graphic designer or printer - they regularly work in the preferred file formats and should be able to help or alternatively we can have your logo redrawn in a format we can use at approx $60p/hour.